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On the day in 1940 that Italy enters the war, two things happen to the 12-year-old Renato: he gets his first bike, and he gets his first look at Malèna. She is a beautiful, silent outsider who's moved to this Sicilian town to be with her husband, Nico. He promptly goes off to war, leaving her to the lustful eyes of the men and the sharp tongues of the women. During the next few years, as Renato grows toward manhood, he watches Malèna suffer and prove her mettle. He sees her loneliness, then grief when Nico is reported dead, the effects of slander on her relationship with her father, her poverty and search for work, and final humiliations. Will Renato learn courage from Malèna and stand up for her?
Title : Malena
Year : 2000
Runtime : 109
Release Dates: 2000-10-27
Actors :
Monica Bellucci | as | Malena Scordia |
Giuseppe Sulfaro | as | Renato Amoroso |
Luciano Federico | as | Renato's Father |
Matilde Piana | as | Renato's Mother |
Pietro Notarianni | as | Professor Bonsignore |
Gaetano Aronica | as | Nino Scordia |
Gilberto Idonea | as | Avvocato Centorbi |
Angelo Pellegrino | as | Segretario politico |
Gabriella Di Luzio | as | Mantenuta del Barone |
Pippo Provvidenti | as | Dott. Cusimano |
Maria Terranova | as | Moglie Dott. Cusimano |
Marcello Catalano | as | Lieutenant Cadel |
Elisa Morucci | as | Lupetta |
Domenico Gennaro | as | Farmacista |
Vitalba Andrea | as | Moglie farmacista |
Giuseppe Pattavina | as | Pretore |
Franco Catalano | as | Negoziante |
Daniele Arena | as | Agostino |
Giovanni Litrico | as | Pinè |
Gianluca Guarrera | as | Nicola |
Michel Daniel Bramanti | as | Sasà |
Giuseppe Zizzo | as | Tanino |
Totò Borgese | as | Milite fascista |
Emanuele Gullotto | as | Negoziante dischi |
Aurora Quattrocchi | as | Tenutaria bordello |
Claudia Muzi | as | 1a Prostituta |
Ornella Giusto | as | 2a Prostituta |
Conchita Puglisi | as | 3a Prostituta |
Noemi Giarratana | as | malamlla Renato |
Paola Pace | as | 1a Donna linciaggio |
Lucia Sardo | as | 2a Donna linciaggio |
Alessandro Cremona | as |
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Watch Malena Streaming Movie Downloader. I went to the cinema with quite low expectations due to the trailer. However after watching this film I was amazed by the outcome. There was so much thrilling tense action, at one point I was on the edge of my seat.
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