*)(* Cruelty: Black Rose Torture 1975 Streaming Websites

Where can I watch Cruelty: Black Rose Torture online free

Cruelty: Black Rose Torture Summary: In pre-war Japan, Yumiko, an aristocratic lady, accompanied by her maid, travels to Tokyo to visit her brother. Unaware that her brother has become involved in anti-governmental activities and left the city, the two women are captured, raped and tortured by the military police. Two years later, during the war, the government confiscates Yumiko's estate, turning it into a torture chamber for the inquisition of prisoners. Yumiko and her maid are among those who are subjected to sexual indignities.
Year: 1975
Genre : Drama
Runtime: 73 minutes
Release Date: 1975-04-26
Actors : Naomi Tani, Eimei Esumi, Terumi Azuma, Hiroshi Gojo, Akira Takahashi

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