*)(* Clara es el precio 1975 Streaming Video

Where can I watch Clara es el precio online free

Clara es el precio Summary: In a city on Spain’s Costa Brava, Clara Valverde, a young beautiful woman, lives with her husband Juan. Juan is an architect and has planned a daring urbanistic project. In reality, the project is not viable. Clara, to keep her marriage and finances a float, works as a porno actress in an underground film industry. In spite of her job and her marriage, Clara is still a virgin. Her marriage has never been consummated because her husband is impotent for which she blames herself. In her work she does not allow to be penetrated. One day she goes to a reunion with Kellerman, an American millionaire who seems to be interested into put into fruition Juan’s project. However soon Clara learns that what he really wants is to blackmail her. The owner of the house, Jorge, finds out Claras’s real occupation and if she does not have sex to the American would tell everything to her husband.
Year: 1975
Genre : Drama, Comedy
Runtime: 101 minutes
Release Date: 1975-04-30
Actors : Juan Luis Galiardo, Máximo Valverde, Amparo Muñoz, Alejandro Ulloa, Víctor Petit

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